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Tag Archives: Child custody

divorce with autistic children

Facing Divorce With An Autistic Child or Child With Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in Florida

By Sean Smallwood |

If You Are Facing a Divorce Involving a Child With Autism, There Are Several Traps to Watch Out For One very common fact scenario that divorce attorneys near Orlando Florida are faced with these days is the situation where a divorce involves contested child custody issues over children with autism. When there are special… Read More »

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attorney for divorce involving child custody in Orlando

Should I Use A Guardian Ad Litem In My Florida Divorce?

By Sean Smallwood |

When divorcing parents disagree fundamentally about a child custody issues a guardian ad litem can help. The disagreement can be about just about anything. Daycare or having a family member babysit? The Ferber method or an endless supply of cuddles? Public school or religious private school? Summer camp or academic summer program? What are… Read More »

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attorney for divorce involving child custody in Orlando

The Strategy Guide to Florida Divorces Involving Child Custody

By Sean Smallwood |

Any time a married couple who has children under the age of 18 decides to get divorced they will need to address child custody issues in their case. These are situations that involve a great deal of knowledge of the law and should only be finalized with the assistance of a skilled Orlando divorce… Read More »

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Guide to filing for divorce in Florida

The Complete Guide To Filing For Divorce In Florida

By Sean Smallwood |

My name is Sean Smallwood, and I am an Orlando divorce attorney who has been practicing family and marital law for about a decade. I understand that whether you are a newer attorney or someone who intends to represent themselves in a divorce matter the information in this guide will assist you in the… Read More »

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Mistakes Made in Divorce Separation Florida

The Three Most Common Mistakes Made in Divorce Separations

By Sean Smallwood |

One of the most difficult parts of the divorce process in Florida is the actual separation. The process of transitioning from a single-family unit with one set of bills, bank accounts, and routines to separate households can be downright traumatic. What can make matters even worse is when the parties to the divorce were living… Read More »

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Should I Get Divorced?

By Sean Smallwood |

In this video, I’m going to speak for a few moments regarding a serious topic that very few, if any, divorce attorneys are actually taking the time to discuss with their clients.   That is whether or not the person sitting in their office is sure that they should even be getting divorced in… Read More »

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hpw to deal with parental alienation in Florida

How to Deal With Parental Alienation in Divorce

By Sean Smallwood |

If You Are Faced With Parental Alienation, Here is What You Need to Know One very common and very sad fact about the dissolution of marriage process that divorce attorneys in Orlando Florida are forced to deal with is when a divorce involves conduct by one of the parents that amount to parental alienation…. Read More »

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what advice to give to a friend going through a divorce

Advice to Give To A Friend Going Through Divorce

By Sean Smallwood |

What Advice Should I Give to A Friend Who Is Going Through A Divorce? In my experience when most people are facing a divorce they are in a place where they have been bottling up different feelings and emotions for months or even years. When things reach a boiling point, one natural reaction for… Read More »

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Uncontested Divorce in Florida: When Is It the Right Option?

By Sean Smallwood |

When you hear the word “divorce,” what do you imagine in your head? Is it two soon-to-be-former spouses yelling at each other in court, their children crying, and indifferent judges banging the gavel against a wooden table? Well, it does not have to be this way. More often than not, divorces in Orlando and… Read More »

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Domestic violence

Does Domestic Violence Affect a Divorce Settlement in Florida?

By Sean Smallwood |

Domestic violence can directly or indirectly impact certain aspects of a divorce settlement such as child custody, alimony, and even property division. Each year, more than 100,000 cases of domestic violence (DV) are reported to authorities in Orlando and other parts of Florida. However, the real number of incidences of domestic violence in the… Read More »

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Baby Prenups in Florida: What is it and Do You Need One?

By Sean Smallwood |

An increasing number of parents-to-be in Florida are signing the so-called “baby prenups,” but many expectant parents are unfamiliar with the phenomenon of signing parenting contracts. Many expectant parents praise the idea of signing “baby prenups,” while others consider it a bad idea. After all, these parenting contracts remind couples that their marriage may… Read More »

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family law parental responsibility

How Do Hurricanes Impact Florida Parenting Plans and Custody Agreements?

By Sean Smallwood |

As Hurricane Dorian is inching closer to South Florida, and millions of Floridians are stocking up on supplies to be prepared for the landfall, divorced parents are facing a conundrum. “How do hurricanes and other acts of God impact my custody agreement and parenting plan?” is a question on almost every divorced parent’s mind… Read More »

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relocation and divorce

Use of The Psychological Evaluation In Divorce

By Sean Smallwood |

The Psychological Evaluation Is a Powerful Tool in Divorce if Used Wisely Very often in divorce litigation, it becomes necessary to conduct a psychological evaluation of one of the parties to the divorce. This is especially important in cases involving child custody disputes where the psychological condition of one of the parents is called… Read More »

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nope to kavanaugh

The Allegations in the Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings and How Divorce Attorneys See Them Every Day On the Job

By Sean Smallwood |

The Similarities Between the Kavanaugh Confirmation Process and What Divorce Attorneys and Judges Do is Striking Recently, all the news channels and headlines in the United States have been filled with status updates and debates about the confirmation process for Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court of the United States. As I listened to… Read More »

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Social Media In Divorce And Child Custody Cases

By Sean Smallwood |

These days social media is everywhere, but, it has serious rules attached in divorce and custody litigation One area of evidence and trial presentation that has become extremely popular right now for divorce attorneys is whether or not social media posts, updates, and messages are admissible in divorce court and what responsibilities lawyers and their… Read More »

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father and child

Paternity, Child Custody, and Different Types of Child Support; A Tangled Web

By Sean Smallwood |

 Paternity Cases Usually Come With Their Own Set of Problems Aside From Just Child Custody Issues One of the most common types of child custody cases seen by parents, judges, and attorneys these days is the situation where an unmarried couple has a child, splits up, and one of the parents refuses the other… Read More »

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Back To School Tips For Parents With Summer Child Custody Schedules

By Sean Smallwood |

Back to School Tips for Parents With Summer Child Custody Schedules As summer draws to a close and parents get mentally prepared to once again have the kids ready for school early in the morning there are a handful of things that parents who have summer child custody time-sharing schedules of a child will… Read More »

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couple arguing

Child Custody Cases and False Domestic Violence Injunctions

By Sean Smallwood |

Very Often A Parent Will Allege Domestic Violence In A Custody Case Which Leaves Judges And Lawyers To Figure Whether Violence Took Place Or If It Is An Attempt To Gain Advantage In Litigation Throughout the litigation process in family law cases it is quite common to see a party file what is known… Read More »

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Grandparent’s Rights Bill Gains Speed: Orlando Child Custody Attorney

By Sean Smallwood |

Florida Child Custody Attorneys May Soon Add Grandparents Rights To Their List Of Services: Grandparent’s rights is an area of Florida child custody law that has historically been very limited. Currently, one of the only ways a grandparent can be granted court ordered time-sharing with a child is in a dependency court which is… Read More »

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Orlando Child Visitation Attorney Information

By Sean Smallwood |

Orlando Child Visitation Attorney Talks About Custody in Florida Every custody court in Florida will examine a visitation case first and foremost in terms of what is the best interests of the child involved. Often parties and attorneys get confused about the best interests of the child versus the best interests of the parent…. Read More »

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