Orlando Child Visitation Attorney Information
Orlando Child Visitation Attorney Talks About Custody in Florida
Every custody court in Florida will examine a visitation case first and foremost in terms of what is the best interests of the child involved. Often parties and attorneys get confused about the best interests of the child versus the best interests of the parent. An Orlando child visitation attorney can guide you through the complications of determining the best interests of a child.
The Florida statute sets forth many factors that the courts are to consider in order to determine the child’s best interests. There are many of them but a few are paraphrased as follows:
- Can a parent keep the relationship between the child and the other parent?
- Will the parents follow the parenting plan.
- Who has the child lived with and for how long?
- Has one parent been more involved in the child’s life than the other?
- Do one of the parents put the child’s needs before their own.
- Are the parents morally fit?
- How well does the child do at the current location?
- Child’s preference.
The list goes on and is quite expansive, but these few examples can offer an idea on the types of things the courts will be looking for when deciding visitation and custody cases in Orlando and the rest of Florida. One rule of thumb should always be to consult a family law attorney in Orlando, FL about your case before trying to proceed alone.
Another area of children and family law is that of child support. Every case that involves children will also need to address support. Often custody and visitation issues may also be addressed by a child support attorney as these issues tend to go hand and hand.
Our family law staff is experienced and equipped to offer the professional representation that you need for your child visitation case. Put our years of experience to work for you.
Modification of Custody After Divorce

Sean Smallwood is an Orlando divorce attorney for the law firm Sean Smallwood, Orlando Divorce & Family Law P.A. where he represents clients in all areas of family law and divorce. 100% of the practice is devoted to family law. As an attorney in Orlando, he has helped many families with a wide variety of family law cases including Divorce, Child Custody, Child Support, and many other issues.